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What is it?

The Peek-a-band is a uncomplicated and straightforward navigation aid. It will not only help parents find their children, but will help children find their parents too. It is to be used at enclosed public spaces, such as zoo’s and amusement parks.


How does it work?

The peek-a-band system consist of two or more smart-wristbands linked solely to each other. The system consists of one adult band, and one or more childbands. The child version of the peek-a-band will continuously show an arrow pointing in the direction of the adult peek-a-band. The adult band will show an arrow too, pointing in the direction of the kid. Contrary to the child band, the adult band will also show a map and the exact location of the child bands for more precise navigation.


Visitors can get a Peek-a-band at the entrance of the park. Depending on the size of the park, the Peek-a-bands will be offered at the cash desk, at a vending machine or both. One adult Peek-a-band will be given and one or more child Peek-a-bands. By giving only one Peek-a-band, the child Peek-a-bands will always point to the same adult band. 


The Peek-a-band’s screen will be stored in the vending machine on an induction plate to recharge without a strap. The strap will be dispensed separately from the screen unit. Costumers will get a clean new strap to attach to their Peek-a-band screen. This band is made of textile fabric and can be fastened by a plastic clip. Once fastened, the Peek-a-band can only be removed by destroying the strap or clip. A child-friendly strap-cutter will be placed next to the vending machine in case the strap has been fastened wrong.



A non-detachable strap will ensure that the child will not loose the Peek-a-band and is more hygienic. Once the costumer has attached his/her Peek-a-band and the child Peek-a-Bands to the children no extra steps have to be undertaken to be able to use the system. When being dispensed, the Peek-a-Band is ready to be used.The child Peek-a-band will always show an arrow in the walking-direction of the adult Peek-a-band. Containing a map of the park, the Peek-a-Band’s arrow will take the walking routes into account and will not point to impassable grounds.


An extra wi-fi point will be placed outside the park’s entrance. When a customer leaves the park with a Peek-a-band still on its wrist, it will make connection to the extra wi-fi point. When this connection is made a warning signal will be given to the Peek-a-band owner and the security desk will be informed. The Peek-a-band will not work outside the park and can only be charged on an induction plate. When leaving the park without returning the Peek-a-band the user will not get his/her deposit back.



Technology of Peek-A-Band

Peek-a-Band system consists of two different Peek-a-Bands with a connection between them. The Peek-a-Band of the parent connects with those of the children.  Communication occurs through Wi-Fi, making the Peek-a-Bands can transmit data on their location. Therefore the Peek-a-Band needs an all-time-connection with Wi-Fi access points. So visitors must have a range with at least 1 Wi-Fi-point , anywhere in the park accesible to visitors.


The location tracking will be done by making use of GPS. Many investments will be saved by making use of the existing GPS-network. The Peek-a-Band now doesn't have to fully connect with 3 Wi-Fi access points in order to determine the location. The result is that the peek-a-band only works outdoors.





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